6 Basic Design Tips for Trade-Show Success with Exhibition Booths
Since you will invest a lot of time and money to display your services, brand, and products at trade shows, it makes sense to ensure that your exhibition booths are attractive, functional, and unique. We share a few tips below to help you maximise the potential of your exhibition booths.
- Work with Available Space
If the space is restrictive, you need to minimise obstructions, especially stands, display cases, and furniture at the entrance or exit areas of the exhibition booths. You want a natural flow. As soon as visitors feel restricted in their movement, they will become irritated and won’t pay attention to the exceptional displays.
- Use Vertical Space to Your Advantage
It is not all that easy to stand out from the crowd, especially if all the exhibition booths are of superior design. To this end, enquire if there is a vertical space limit. If not, use the space above your exhibition stand for tower signs, and hang displays or any other type of advert that can draw attention to your stand. This is especially helpful if the trade show is rather crowded. Attendees are likely to see the displays above the booths and follow them to find your particular stand.
- Work with Fewer Rather Than More Words
Visitors to trade shows have limited time. They are bombarded with information. Give them something easy to remember. Think of a slogan that’s catchy and go with it, rather than use long sentences to convey messages. Grab their attention with the displays by making them memorable with short action verbs and drive the message home with a catchy slogan. Place text at the top part of the booth to minimise the risk of it being obstructed by people passing it.
- Light Up the Message
Far too many exhibition booths rely on the trade show’s lights for illumination. Be different. Use uplights, downlights, angle lights, LED light boxes, and even colour lights to highlight messages. Create the right mood with lights and use angle lights at the entrance to direct people into the stand.
- Images Sell More Than Words
People are lazy when it comes to reading, especially if bombarded with thousands of text ads. They scan and they walk past. If you want them to stop, pay attention, and remember, use images. Make sure that the images are powerful or memorable. Go big on this with life-size images to attract attention. The images must be visible, so avoid placement at the bottom part of the stand.
- Be Creative with Materials
Speak to our consultants about possible materials to use. You can create different textures – highlight your involvement in tech products with aluminium materials for counters or use graphic walls to display nature images if you supply natural products. Smooth and silky materials work well if you operate within the medical industry, while a feeling of ruggedness can be attained with roughly textured materials if you operate a 4×4 dealership.
The above tips are only starting guidelines. Speak to our design consultants for professional assistance in making exhibition booths successful.