Recover the cost of the exhibition through your exhibition booth promotion

No doubt exhibiting can cost a pretty penny, but if you use on the site promotions effectively you can recover the cost of display through your exhibition booth. Simply ensure that you have products or services that can be sold at the exhibition booth and will take up less than five minutes each to present to the visitor. It should be a special that will only be available at your exhibition booth for the duration of the show. Make sure the promotion is well advertised onsite and even before you get to the exhibition. Contact clients and invite them to visit the exhibition booth before the event. Give them an incentive to do so and to refer others. Make sure you target the decision makers as this will help to get the spin-offs you hope for from an exhibition.

Let the customers sell at your exhibition booths

Ever thought of using the customers to do the selling at your exhibition booths? Unconventional, yet effective, customers selling products at exhibition booths can boost sales figures tremendously. It is not to say that you have to pay a customer or have the customer do active selling. Simply, get the customers to talk about their positive experiences with specific products or services with visitors to your exhibition booths. This can be done by letting for instance, one of your client companies talk about your product at their exhibition booths or by having a live session at one of your exhibition booths where the company shares their experiences with your customers. Think about incentives that can be used to get client companies to testify about their satisfaction with your products, and you have a winning concept.