Get Advertising For Your Company from the Experts

When you mention the word “advertising”, one’s thoughts immediately turn to a modern office, full of graphic designers and copy writers, all running hither and thither trying to meet deadlines and so on. Few actually realise that advertising has been around for literally thousands of years.

It was certainly used in Roman times, and in ancient Arabia, and became more widespread when printing was developed from the 15th century onwards.

Advertising today accounts for a turnover of nearly $150 billion a year in the United States alone – it is big business!

Advertising is the way in which can help you convey information about your goods or services to prospective customers. You can do this through a number of different media – newspapers, billboards, television, the cinema, radio, movies, magazines, video games, the Internet, telephone messages, and even clothing. In fact, anything that can carry a message and that can be seen or heard by a prospective client or purchaser, is today considered an acceptable method of carrying advertising.

Scan Display is a specialist provider of display, exhibition, and presentation products, and are the experts to contact if you are having any thoughts of exhibiting any of your products or services at a trade show or the like.

Scan Display has a large team of experts who specialise in display advertising and in producing powerful display solutions, and they will be more than happy to help you with all your advertising needs and requests.

Banner Advertising to Get Your Message Across

You will see a lot of banner advertising these days being displayed in places which attract large crowds – places such as exhibitions, displays, retail stores, and trade shows, and increasing use is also being made of this type of advertising at sports venues such as cricket and rugby matches.

The traditional banner is made of cloth or plastic material and is several metres long and a little under a metre high; even though they may also be the same shape, they are made different by being turned through 90 degrees, or even square shaped.

A banner should always be placed in a location where the maximum number of people can see it. There is an extensive range of banner-types types available in the market for use in the advertising of products and services, but portable banner stands are still one of the most common.

One of the most popular banner-type in Southern Africa is the teardrop banner, but electronic banner boards are fast-becoming increasingly popular at sports stadiums today.

If you want to invest in a little banner advertising and are not a graphic designer yourself, Scan Display is a company of professionals who will be more than willing to assist you. They have a wide range of advertising products including banners and a team of expert graphic designers to discuss the matter with you.

You can see some excellent examples of these products and a portfolio of their work on their website:

Scan Display, whose head office is in Rosebank, Johannesburg, is a market leader in Southern Africa, and has the support of a global network.

An Eye-Catching Display to Attract New Customers

Some of the most important reasons for participating in a trade show are to give exposure to your goods and services to the general public and to get your company’s name talked about and eventually to acquire more clients.

By far the easiest way of doing this is to have a display stand that is eye catching, and the only way of successfully doing this is to turn its’ design over to a group of professionals such as Scan Display.

Even if your business is very young, if you have professional graphic designers working on the display, you will never regret it. Having a stand builder design the trade show stand from a carefully considered design specification can create the impact of an established business straight away.

The set up and dismantling of exhibition display stands is easy if you decide to hire your stands. In some cases your exhibition stands are set up and dismantled for you as you arrive and leave the exhibition hall with the help of professional trade show designers. When this is already done for you there is negligible worry about expensive and time consuming transport problems.

Using Design as a Promotion Tool

The use of design is considerably the most important part in the development of a new product, an exhibition stand, or even the packaging that you use for your products.

Either way, it is a case of getting a message over to the public about your products, your services, or your company itself.

There are a number of steps which can be taken by designers during the design process – these may vary depending on the product or service in question, but either way they are a vital part of the promotion process.

Typical steps in the design process:

• Initial or pre-production design
• A brief to tell designers of your objective
• Research similar solutions in the field
• Specification of the requirements
• Initial designs and presentation to the client
• Final development and acceptance

These steps may differ from case to case and depending on the product or service.

Design is often seen as a more meticulous form of art, or as art with a specific purpose. The distinction is usually made when someone other than the artist is actually classifying the purpose of the artwork.

In The Graphic Arts There Is a Distinct Difference between Fine Art and Commercial Art

As the head of a company you may be in the position of being that person classifying the purpose of a particular design. This purpose is handed to the graphic designers in the form of a brief. Initial proposals are then worked on and, when given your approval, are refined into the final blueprint.

If you are looking for a professional team to carry out your graphical work and advertising, and among other things, trade shows and exhibitions; be sure to call upon Scan Display. This company, with their headquarters in the Johannesburg suburb of Rosebank, are specialists who have a team of professionals including both graphic designers and exhibition architects.

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Turn to the Exhibition and Events Specialists for an Eye-Catching Stand and Display

Scan rolls out new carpeting option

Scan Display has introduced rolled carpets for use at exhibitions and events, a first for South Africa.

Until now the standard carpeting choice for exhibition stands or events was bitumen-backed carpet tiles. However carpet tiles tend to bunch up with heavy use, making the surface uneven. In addition there is often a discrepancy between the colour of tiles, making the flooring look patchy.

“The trend in Europe is to use rolled carpet. This is carpet that comes in large rolls and is cut on site to fit your stand. This ensures a far superior look and finish. Rolled carpet comes in standard colours but can be custom printed with logos or matched to any specific Pantone colour,” explains Justin Hawes, MD of Scan.

Scan has already successfully used rolled carpet at South African Automotive Week (SAAW) 2007 and Miles Per Hour (MPH) 2007.

A further benefit of using this imported carpet is that it comes with a protective polythene plastic covering which is removed once installation is complete, ensuring the carpet is spotless at the start of your event.

“The simplicity and speed of laying make this carpet an obvious choice. From R35 per metre it competes with what is currently on the market. The carpet is also fire test certified to European standards.”