Modulbox – conference coffee stand

Scan Display sponsored the use of a Modulbox at Ellis Park for one of their conferences in July, from which to serve coffee and popcorn to the conference delegates.

Oppikoppi music festival

The 16th OppiKoppi music festival took place on the 6-8 August, 2010.

Situated just outside Northam, in the Limpopo province of South Africa, the venue is essentially untamed bushveld and a hill. In fact, the name of the festival is an abbreviation of the Afrikaans phrase “op die koppie”, which literally means “on the hill”.

Thorn trees, red dust and the beautiful scenery of similar thorn tree-covered hills is the setting for this rugged festival, which is clearly not for the faint-hearted.

Scan Display recognised that the Modulbox was therefore the ideal solution for a durable and comfortable smoking lounge at Oppikoppi, for their client Dunhill.