Some of the most important reasons for participating in a trade show are to give exposure to your goods and services to the general public and to get your company’s name talked about and eventually to acquire more clients.
By far the easiest way of doing this is to have a display stand that is eye catching, and the only way of successfully doing this is to turn its’ design over to a group of professionals such as Scan Display.
Even if your business is very young, if you have professional graphic designers working on the display, you will never regret it. Having a stand builder design the trade show stand from a carefully considered design specification can create the impact of an established business straight away.
The set up and dismantling of exhibition display stands is easy if you decide to hire your stands. In some cases your exhibition stands are set up and dismantled for you as you arrive and leave the exhibition hall with the help of professional trade show designers. When this is already done for you there is negligible worry about expensive and time consuming transport problems.
Using Design as a Promotion Tool
The use of design is considerably the most important part in the development of a new product, an exhibition stand, or even the packaging that you use for your products.
Either way, it is a case of getting a message over to the public about your products, your services, or your company itself.
There are a number of steps which can be taken by designers during the design process – these may vary depending on the product or service in question, but either way they are a vital part of the promotion process.
Typical steps in the design process:
• Initial or pre-production design
• A brief to tell designers of your objective
• Research similar solutions in the field
• Specification of the requirements
• Initial designs and presentation to the client
• Final development and acceptance
These steps may differ from case to case and depending on the product or service.
Design is often seen as a more meticulous form of art, or as art with a specific purpose. The distinction is usually made when someone other than the artist is actually classifying the purpose of the artwork.
In The Graphic Arts There Is a Distinct Difference between Fine Art and Commercial Art
As the head of a company you may be in the position of being that person classifying the purpose of a particular design. This purpose is handed to the graphic designers in the form of a brief. Initial proposals are then worked on and, when given your approval, are refined into the final blueprint.
If you are looking for a professional team to carry out your graphical work and advertising, and among other things, trade shows and exhibitions; be sure to call upon Scan Display. This company, with their headquarters in the Johannesburg suburb of Rosebank, are specialists who have a team of professionals including both graphic designers and exhibition architects.
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