For ease of use in an exhibition environment, a point of sale display or even corporate events there are very few marketing tools that can beat roll-up banners. These versatile pieces of marketing display materials are used by varied companies all over the world because of their ease of use. Roll-up banners can be manufactured in a very short period of time and the manufacturing process can use designs supplied by the client or the manufacture may be able to supply design services themselves. They will have a wide variety of fonts and graphics that the customer can choose from, making each roll-up banner unique. Roll-up banners also come in a variety of sizes, making them suitable for a variety of marketing uses. Roll-up banners can be supplied directly from the manufacturers or should a client so wish the design can be sourced from an advertising agency, making the roll-up banner even more effective and eye catching. Amongst the other advantages of the roll-up type banner is that it is extremely compact, making it suitable for transport from venue to venue, for this reason roll-up banners can often be seen at conferences and exhibitions.
The ease of use of roll-up banners mean that even persons not familiar with their operation can quickly familiarise themselves with their use. The short set up time and take down time also mean that time spent setting up is reduced and therefore the sales staff can spent more productive time liaising with potential customers.
The low cost of roll-up banners mean that almost any organisation, from the smallest entrepreneurial operation to large multinationals can afford to have several different designs available for a variety of venues and uses.