Exhibition marketing is more than simply putting up a stand and then hoping visitors will come around and notice your company. Exhibition marketing is pro-active. You should invite as many of your existing clients as possible and then also market extensively before the tradeshow.

The next step involves the planning of the exhibition marketing at the tradeshow. You should know which products you want to promote, the target audience, where the stand will be, which colours to use, the types of display stands that will be needed, consider furniture, lights, flooring, light boxes, whether you want a custom stand or a modular stand, banners, the types of banner stands that will be used, how many staff members will be available, which sales materials you want to hand out, how you will get attention amongst hundreds of exhibitors, how the lay-out of the booth should be, and whether you will want counters, and more.

Considering what goes into exhibition marketing, it is no wonder that so many businesses call in the help of experts such as Scan Display. We are able to help with just about everything including the display stands, booth setup, furniture, lighting, flooring, air-conditioning, banner design, and more. Let us focus on the exhibition marketing at the tradeshow while you focus on the product or service that you want to promote at the tradeshow. We have a long track record of exhibition successes for small and large companies. Many of our stands have won prestigious awards. Contact us today for a quote and find out just how affordable our design and marketing services are.