For every season and every occasion, there will always be that need to give your loved ones a greeting card for the holidays. It’s not even a need really since a greeting card will always make the season, the holiday or a simple celebration a little bit more special. With a special note as a reminder of how important these people are to you, why not give them a card? Sometimes, you can even get away with JUST a card for the holidays depending on the note inside. After all, it is the thought that counts. But why not make the gesture a little bit more special and literary grand by giving them a personalised pop-up card just to make the thought count a little bit more?
As touching as a greeting card would be for the holidays or a birthday to let those you love know that you remembered, plain greeting cards have somehow lost their charm and just turn boring and go unnoticed. Good thing pop-up cards have been invented to jazz the card giving habit and you can find these cards just about anywhere. Just go to your local bookstore or stationery store and they go by the racks and dozens. In fact, why just buy a card when you can give a more personalised card by making one yourself at your home? Why not send your friends, family, and significant other a card you made especially for them for that special day? Go the extra mile and make it a pop-up card for them to enjoy.
The making and printing of pop-ups is a fun and great way to spend time with your family. It is also a great way for you to release the artist within and exercise your drawing skills and designing skills when it comes to making your own card. And don’t forget, this way will also save you more money than buying a boxful of cards at the store.
Pop-up cards vary from simple images and personalised photos to complicated designs of three-dimensional shapes to make it a little bit more special, unique, and exciting to open. The range of what you can do with homemade pop-up cards is anything but limited. All you need is some construction paper, glue, scissors, some magic markers, a wide imagination and sense of design and you’re all ready to go. You don’t even have to do it manually since designing programs are available for users at home so you can make and do the printing of pop-ups from your personal computer.
In any case, for the busy and artistically challenged, do not fret. There are sites that are available out there that provide free printing of pop-ups that have been designed by them and all you have to do is cut out the designs, follow the instructions and you’re ready to go. A number of greeting card websites provide patterns for almost all the kinds of pop-up cards there is. There are 3D patterns to be found on these sites as well that are designed by some well-known and budding artists, all to make you look like the regular pop-up Picasso.
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