Exhibitions in South Africa
The International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) is a worldwide organization that has represented the trade fair and exhibition industry since 1928. With over 1,300 organization ranging from Singapore to the exhibitions South Africa offers you country wide. Even with all the tremendous breakthroughs and colossal changes the world has undergone in the last century, one marketing tool has persisted throughout and that is the events and exhibition industry which has been around for almost three thousand years.
There are four main reasons as to why this industry has only developed and flourished over the years are the increased brand preference, enhancing relations with customers, increased brand awareness and increased product knowledge. The exhibitions South Africa proudly hosts are mainly in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town however there are smaller venues who also host event and exhibitions. Depending on your target market you can pick and choose from exhibitions.
If you want to find out which exhibitions South Africa hosts and which would best benefit your business contact us at Scan Display. We do not only offer you advice on choosing the optimal exhibition to attend, but can advise you on how to make your stand more eye catching and approachable as well as supplying you with all the stand equipment you might need.