Professional printing of banners is available from local shops in most areas and most companies today also offer you the opportunity to simply place your order online. It is affordable, fast and usually produces good results for the advertising Rand spent.
One of the conveniences available today is the fact that this can be something you can do-it-yourself when it comes to the design of your ad. Many online printing companies allow customers to design their own banners online and will ship it to you.
When it comes to the printing of banners, it needs to be done specific for their use. Store front banners need to be large enough to be seen from the street, whereas those used on the road side needs to be readable by drivers in passing vehicles. Banners for table top displays need to be small enough to fit on the display and attractive enough to gain attention in a busy store.
Many companies will provide the printing services at a discounted rate if you have a bulk order. There are also very affordable rates for one or just a few banners. If you can print your banner in only one colour, for instance, that will be less expensive than full colour.
Banners can be the ideal way to alert customers of a store grand opening, a big sale or special event. Make sure you get your banner printed in time to display up to a week before your sale or event though, because if customers know ahead of time they won’t miss the opportunity. Catching them off-guard at the last minute may mean they don’t make time to stop by that day.
Who can benefit?
Printing of banners can be affordable for small businesses of just one or two employees. Independent sales representatives and mom-and-pop shops can gain customers and sales with affordable sales banners. Moms trying to support school fundraisers can also help get out the word by printing of banners to advertise events
Churches and charities sometimes qualify for discounts on printing of banners. This enables them to advertise special events and services to the community. Ask your local or online printing company if your non-profit organization qualifies for discounted printing rates. Some small printing companies are not able to afford offering these discounts.
Vinyl Banners
Vinyl banners are easily rolled and saved for your next event. Unless dates or other one time only information is printed on the banner, they can be used again and again. Vinyl banners are weather resistant and don’t fade in the sun easily. Many rolled banners can be stored in small spaces. They hold up well unless stacked under heavy items.
Professional Designs
Professional designers can create unique company logos that look great on printed banners. If you don’t have the skills to design your own company logo, some printing companies will provide this service with your banner printing. Certain colour combinations have proven to be more effective in advertising than others. Red and yellow are very popular, with blue and green coming in next. Lighter colours don’t work well on a white background because they’re very hard to see and read from a distance.