Importance of Brochure Holders at an Exhibition

Brochure holders play just as an important role in the overall success of an exhibition stand as the furniture, lighting, flooring, and signage. Ignoring the importance of brochure holders will be a costly mistake.

Banners are used to portray messages and attract attention. With striking banners you can get the visitors to stop and pay attention. Once you have their attention you want them to explore the stand and yes, you guessed it, take brochures with them. In order to get them to this place, you will want attractive brochure holders which are also highly functional.

The popular saying of first impressions count is nowhere more relevant than at a trade exhibition. The brochure display will either put people off or get their attention. You need to invest in the latter option. The display stand must be equal in quality when compared to the rest of the exhibition stand. It will show that you pay attention to detail and that is what should go into the subconscious mind of the visitor.

If you have a small exhibition stand you will want to save on space while gaining maximum exposure for everything in the booth, including the brochures. For this reason you will want a brochure display option that takes up minimal space. If you want to save on space while being able to display various types of brochures, select the multiple pocketbrochure holders which can hold various sizes and products from leaflets to magazines. You can also go for a wall mounted unit, a desktop unit or one of the swivel units.

View our range of brochure holders and contact us for a quote today.

Things to Know About Brochure Printing

It’s not all the time can companies and other business afford to have an army of sales people out on the streets talking to random people and potential clients about the products or services they offer. Some people actually go out of their way to avoid these sales talks rendering sales people almost useless. Good thing that there is an easier way to get the message out there without have your sales people talk to the busy passers-by/potential clients. Brochures are a good way to get the message across and supply the customers and clients with the information that they need to know about your product.

Typically, brochures are considered to be a type of leaflet promotion or advertisement when it comes to businesses trying to get their name out in the market. This type of promotion is more often used by service oriented businesses and new products that require and in-depth explanation of its specifications and effects. It is also used to advertise different travel locations, business gatherings, events, hotels, and other establishments. Restaurants use brochures as a mini menu guide to get the attention of their customers.

Brochures are also thought of as a shorter form of a booklet. The difference is that brochures use a heavy and think kind of paper, most of the time glossy. Brochure printing uses extensive colour and ink quality to ensure design and print excellence.

There are different uses of brochure printing and styles out there that are being used for different purposes. The leave-behind brochure is the kind passed around after a meeting or gathering that usually contains the summary of what was discussed. The respond to inquiries brochure is usually used to respond to questions a potential buyer may have about the product. This is usually given to customers after a sales pitch. Another use of the brochure is as a support tool. This is given to clients and customers who have already purchased your product and can refer to it for some FAQs about their purchases and some quick troubleshooting techniques.

There are a few tips and things to remember when doing your own brochure printing. Firstly, you have to consider the print size of your brochure. Always take into careful consideration on how you layout the information and images on your brochure so you can be able to deliver your message more effectively. Also, you have to provide print bleed room for your brochures. This is where you leave an extra 1/18th of an inch beyond the edge lines of your margin to allow for any over-the-margin printing.

Lastly, choose the right paper size and quality for your brochure. Remember, your brochure is somewhat of a representative of your business. The last thing you would want is your brochure to be flimsy, easy to break, and hard to read. If your brochure is unattractive, then to the customers, your business is uninteresting as well. Keep in mind that this is the way to catch your customer’s attention and might even reel them in with just the right kind of brochure printing.

Brochure Racks

Scan Display that offers revolutionary brochure racks all across the world. Visit our website for more exciting information at

When you are looking for brochure racks, Scan Display offers several stands, some of which are the Enara View L15, Standex L16, the Zedup Clear L18, the Zedup L17, Stacker L19, the 6 Pocket Fanfare (available in 12 & 24 pockets) L12, the Erin L11, the Enara L13, and the Desktop Enara L14.

More about Scan Display and our network of branches, distributors and partners:

Did you know that Scan Display has a well secured international network of branches in Durban, Swaziland, Gaborone, Cape Town – distributors in Lagos, Knysna, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Windhoek and Lusaka to ensure 100% client accessibility – and also partners in Belgium, Turkey, United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, Dubai, Germany, France and Egypt? We have specifically opened our Head office in rose bank Johannesburg, which is perfectly centralized.

Did you know that Scan Display has won numerous international awards for our displays and stands, some of these, which included our excellent brochure racks, were:

  • Scan Display Solutions, Unibox system with glass panels, Markex & World of Events, Gauteng, June 2007;
  • Nedbank, Metro stand, Mining Indaba, February 2007;
  • Scan Display Solutions, Unibox system, Markex & World of Events, Gauteng, June 2006; Markex & World of Events, Cape, July 2006;
  • Biz Community, Metro system Markex & World of Events, Gauteng, June 2006;
  • Design Indaba Expo, Exhibition services including shell scheme, lighting, flooring, furniture, Design Indaba 06, February 2006;

To mention but a few.

Graphic Artists And Brochure Design Printing

As part of the brochure design printing services that you get from your printing supplier, make sure that you will have access to a qualified graphic designer. A graphic designer will be able to assist you with their creative skills in creating an attractive brochure that will include all the information as well as images that you require. In addition to this, the graphic designer can assist you in originate any new logos or images to improve on the current designs that your company may be using.

Make sure that you get the full use of a graphic designer as part of your brochure printing services and contact us for assistance today.

A Professional Brochure Printing Company

Having pamphlets designed and printed is very different from having brochures created for your company. Brochures reflect the image of your company and are aimed at building long term business relationships. Pamphlets on the other hand are there to make consumers and the public aware of what business you are in and what products or services you offer. It is therefore very important to choose a professional brochure printing company to ensure that your enterprise is reflected in the right light.

For a reliable brochure printing company that knows the importance of getting the design and quality of your brochures just right, simply contact us.