Exhibition Infrastructure

The Trends and Exciting Upcoming Events of Exhibition Infrastructure in 2019

The exhibitions, trade shows, and event trends in 2019 show an increasing need for fast-and-easy-to-set-up infrastructure and stands. Time is limited and event organisers, as well as exhibitors, require infrastructure solutions that can be set up and disassembled quickly, without compromising on the professional display.

Exhibition facilitators are looking for ways in which to do more without adding to their infrastructure or extending the amount of time spent on setting up. To this end, more and more organisers are looking for solutions that are available from leading display and exhibition design companies.

Organisers want to maximise the participation of the exhibitors and sponsors. As such, they are looking for ways in which to incorporate product launching, live demonstrations, and meetings to engage attendees. This also helps to create more revenue streams. To this end, organisers are looking for flexible infrastructure solutions, such as the ability to quickly set up a meeting venue or special product display box.

The use of more technology in exhibition infrastructure is also a trend that can be expected to continue. Visual impact, professional display environments, and optimal engagement are improved when using technology such as 3D rendering and fabric light boxes. Some of the events where the mentioned trends in exhibition infrastructure are noticeable in 2019 are briefly noted below.

Local South African Manufacturing Expo

This exhibition covers all aspects of manufacturing and is the perfect place for the display of local manufacturing capabilities in the country. Here, the exhibitors present their solutions to an expert audience. With manufacturing being a technology-driven industry, the event boasts superb exhibition infrastructure. Exhibitors have the opportunity to engage with the audience, showcase their products and expertise, increase their revenues, and benefit from greater brand awareness.

Professional Beauty

The annual trade fair focuses on bringing together all aspects of beauty products, services, and treatments. Technology plays an important part in the modern beauty industry and it is just fitting that the exhibition infrastructure includes the usage of top-notch technology. Exhibitors of cosmetics, skincare treatments, and accessories go all out to make their stands unique, attractive, and relevant to the audience.

The event is the biggest of its kind in the beauty sector. If your business operates within this sector, be sure to book your stand. Well over 200 exhibitors provide for an exciting display environment where audience interaction is of extreme importance. Should you wish to set up a stand, make use of our expertise in exhibition infrastructure to help you create a unique, technology-driven, and quick-to-set-up stand.

Windaba 2019

Hosted in November every year, it is South Africa’s leading expo on wind and renewable energy. The event attracts thousands, as it is focused on sustainable technologies. To stand out amongst the many exhibitors, your exhibition stand must have all the bells and whistles needed to ensure optimal engagement, easy flow, a professional appearance, and brand appeal. As experts in exhibition infrastructure and stand design, we should be your first call to help you achieve a good return on investment.

Contact us for assistance in exhibition infrastructure and more information about our products ranging from flooring to lighting, modular stands, and 3D rendering.

Attract Visitors to your Exhibition Stand with Creative and Eye-Catching Sets

One of the great things about attending exhibitions and other trade shows is that you have the opportunity to stand tall among your competitors, regardless of their or your size. If you are a small- to medium-sized enterprise, you can stand right next to national or multinational corporations and vie for the same market share that these industry giants seem to attract with ease. One of the ways you can do this is by investing in quality exhibition stands and sets.

When you make use of these thoughtfully designed and expertly executed stands, you can pack a powerful marketing and branding punch. You can attract the right customers to your stand and also carry your marketing message over effectively, leaving a lasting impression which will evolve into brand awareness and loyalty.

This can, however, only happen when you attract the visitors in the first place. Otherwise you’re only warming floor space and misusing a valuable opportunity. To add insult, you’ll be paying hard earned money for this missed opportunity.

Attracting Visitors to your Stand

When attending exhibitions, trade shows, sales events, open air markets and other marketing events, how can you make sure your exhibit stand attracts the right visitors? These tips and hints will help you pulling in the punters:

  • Getting it right: Getting the right look and feel won’t be easy, but it’s definitely worth the effort. Your exhibition stands and sets is your shop window. It is so important that your aim for the show – i.e. selling, branding and marketing ultimately determines the look and feel of your exhibit stand. Select the correct posters, signage and products that will display and boost the image that you’re after.
  • Small isn’t necessarily inadequate: Remember, exhibiting is all about having great ambitions and not necessarily exorbitant budgets. Simply deciding on a space that’ll suit your objectives can easily become a challenge in itself. Unfortunately many business owners get carried away with the idea that size is far better than staying true to the focus. Small stands can also be hugely impactful.
  • Work with professionals and be clear about your vision: Partner with an industry professional like Scan Display and be clear about your objectives and vision when dealing with the creative team. Our team of industry professionals are experienced in producing affordable exhibition stands and sets that pack a powerful marketing punch.
  • Get creative: You can enjoy experimenting with sound, lighting and screens and other electronic posters, signage and presentations. You can follow the same path as visitors will around your stand so that you experience and see what they will – both from up close and from a distance.

If you are looking for an experienced partner to team up with and make your exhibit a huge success then look no further than Scan Display. We have many years’ experience in helping our clients to effectively communicate their brand and marketing messages. Contact Scan Display to discuss all your exhibition stands and sets requirements.