Marketing Products | Display Cases | Banners

Marketing Products | Display Cases | Banners

A New Generation Of Marketing Products

As the competitive demands of the 21st century have placed new pressures on business to increase their client base and retain existing clientele so have the opportunities increased to make use of a new generation of marketing products. The marketing departments of companies all over the world now have the tools to cope not only with increasing pressures to grow the business but also to make use of global technology and the growth in the variety of different marketing products that are today available from suppliers all over the world.

The marketing products that are both used for display purposes in a number of different environments, including trade shows and exhibitions, as well as those marketing products that are used for client relations are today both mind boggling in their complexity, but also offer better value for money than ever before. Companies wishing to attract new clients or distributors in trade show or exhibition forums can make use of new technology like self contained show stands, microprocessor controlled audio visual effects and other high impact ways of attracting and maintaining client interest.

Even the traditional marketing products such as flags, banners, shelf displays, roll ups, pop ups and various other types of fabric and vinyl displays have had new life breathed into them due to the new production techniques and printing processes that are today available.

These new technologies mean that marketing products which involve printing processes can today be made more vibrant, as well as maintaining their appearance for far longer than has traditionally been the case. The speed of production also means that the finished marketing products can be made available extremely quickly while the advances in manufacturing mean significant cost savings for the company that orders the units.

bannersStrong and Portable Display Cases

As the new technology involved in the production of marketing products has advanced so has the application of new materials used in the manufacture of these products. Marketing equipment and products such as display cases are today manufactured from a variety of composite materials that are both strong and lightweight, making them suitable for use in a variety of different settings, including exhibitions.

The light weight of these products makes them easier to transport and the modular nature of the units means that they are easy to erect. These units cannot be manufactured to user specifications extremely quickly and at a lower cost in part because of new manufacturing technology and materials used to produce display cases.

Great Selection of Ever Popular Banners

Banners are still amongst the most popular marketing products in use by marketing departments all over the world. The banners that are today manufactured to the specifications of the company that has ordered them are stringer and lighter than ever before. New printing technology means that production limitations that had previously limited the size of these marketing products mean that banners are now available in a far wider range than was previously the case. With high quality inks and materials used in the manufacture of banners and similar marketing materials the end product is lighter, more cost effective and much faster to produce. This means wider variety and choice for those companies that choose to make use of every marketing department’s go to solution, banners.

Display Cases

Display Cases Are Crucial Exhibition Stand Props

Display cases are found in all retail environments where goods are sold and the shape and size of these cases are largely determined by the environment in which they are placed and the nature of the goods.  When it comes to exhibition stands at shows and trade fairs, vertical cases are more effective for several reasons:

  • In an environment awash with rival exhibitions, stands and passing visitors, height is very important and tall displays can be seen over the clutter and attract people’s attention
  • Exhibition stand space is usually paid for by the square metre and may command a tidy sum, which is why space is usually at a premium; vertical displays accommodate more products and use less space
  • As a handy aside, your products are more readily and conveniently viewed if presented to passers-by at eye level and vertical displays do just this

Combining Different Display Cases at Your Exhibition Stand

This is not to say that the tall displays are the last word at any exhibition; ironically, it is the space consideration that brings the trusty old horizontal, counter-type display case to the fore and these two types can be used in deft combination.  Tall displays attract attention and get people to stop and look, but you also need working surfaces, counters to sit clients down at and other horizontal areas, so be sure that these double as counter display cases, affording you the opportunity to have even more products in plain view.


Tall display cases may be awkward to carry and move, so they are usually wheeled.  The wheels should be lockable to prevent them from rolling away once parked.  Tall cases that are square in plan can be set in the centre of a display area, allowing people to view products from all four, glassed sides.  Other types may have one opaque side, which should be placed against a wall.

For more information on all the display cases available to you, please contact us.