A Turnkey Solution for Exhibition and Event Infrastructure

A Turnkey Solution for Exhibition and Event Infrastructure

http://www.mediasrv.co.za/uploads/media/8381.jpgFinding a turnkey solution for exhibition and event infrastructure is critical if you want to make the difference between a successful or unsuccessful stand at an event. You need to be able to make your exhibitors stand look great and keep those visitors walking in to talk to you. You also have to give them everything they need to remember who you are once they have left your stand and moved on to see what else is at the expo.

That may sound like a simple task to some people but the fact remains that you’re still creating an impression with the visitors, and when you throw it altogether in a slap-dash fashion it tends to give your potential new customers the same impression. Fortunately, for those of you that prefer to have something that is quick and easy to set up, it is possible to find an exhibition solution that lets you do exactly that, without the sloppy side-effects.

Choosing a Stand Solution that Suits You

When you choose a display stand that suits who you are and what you do, then you’ll be well on your way to creating an impressionable stand. When you have all the necessary information right there at your fingertips, it enables you to give your customers everything they need to know who you are and how to get hold of you once they have left the expo. Unfortunately, that will only work for people that are looking for you specifically; so if you want to grab everybody’s attention, you will need to go the extra mile and do what is necessary to impress people walking past.

Instead of relying on the usual billboard style display, you can create an entire walk-in store for people. It takes them out of the expo and into your little world where you engage and interact with them a whole lot better. Compartmentalised units can be transported to site, clipped together to create your stand and then taken down again once the expo is finished.

Modular, Portable and Custom Designs are Available

Modular systems are ideal for the up-and-go exhibitors because they allow you create just about any layout you want while keeping the entire stand simple and easy to use. There are display areas, billboard areas, glass display cabinets, counter tops and all with enough room to put a table and a few chairs down so that you can sit down and talk to your customers.

Portable displays are even more convenient because they are ready made and ready to go, whenever you are. A billboard style unit can be folded up and wheeled off to any location you need it, allowing you to create a simple stand that has all the information your clients need to know who you and what you do. It also allows you to maximise your budget by lowering your overhead costs.

Turnkey Solutions

Turnkey solutions for exhibitions and events infrastructure means that you have found a display solution that gives you everything you need for your next exhibition, so you have the most impact on your potential new customers.

South Africa Exhibitions

Business tourism, including the trade show and exhibition industry, is booming in South Africa.

South Africa has well over a thousand venues for conferences and exhibitions available throughout the country. Some of these a small intimate centres hidden away in the bushveld while others are state of the art exhibition and convention centres. Most of these venues offer a number of side attractions that can be included in conventions, including experiencing African culture and shopping expeditions. There are far more South Africa Exhibitions going on at any one time than you would imagine. At the time of writing there being an average of more than thirty exhibitions per month over the next several months.

South Africa is actually an excellent venue to plan your exhibitions. The country has a first-world infrastructure, temperate climate, breathtaking scenery and world-class hotels. It is an ideal location for international congresses and conventions. The country also has a number of exhibition professionals that you can make use of for the design, construction and erection of your display stand, one of which is Scan Display. Scan’s head office is in Rosebank, Johannesburg, and the company has branches in Cape Town, Durban and Gaborone, and distributors in Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Windhoek, Lusaka and Swaziland. We also have the support of a global network, with partners in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Belgium, Germany, Egypt, Dubai and Turkey. South Africa Exhibitions are gaining more and more popularity overseas and are well worth investigating. To learn more about using Scan Display for your next Trade Fair, contact us at +27 11 447 4777

Get Advertising For Your Company from the Experts

When you mention the word “advertising”, one’s thoughts immediately turn to a modern office, full of graphic designers and copy writers, all running hither and thither trying to meet deadlines and so on. Few actually realise that advertising has been around for literally thousands of years.

It was certainly used in Roman times, and in ancient Arabia, and became more widespread when printing was developed from the 15th century onwards.

Advertising today accounts for a turnover of nearly $150 billion a year in the United States alone – it is big business!

Advertising is the way in which https://www.scandisplay.co.za can help you convey information about your goods or services to prospective customers. You can do this through a number of different media – newspapers, billboards, television, the cinema, radio, movies, magazines, video games, the Internet, telephone messages, and even clothing. In fact, anything that can carry a message and that can be seen or heard by a prospective client or purchaser, is today considered an acceptable method of carrying advertising.

Scan Display is a specialist provider of display, exhibition, and presentation products, and are the experts to contact if you are having any thoughts of exhibiting any of your products or services at a trade show or the like.

Scan Display has a large team of experts who specialise in display advertising and in producing powerful display solutions, and they will be more than happy to help you with all your advertising needs and requests.

Banner Advertising to Get Your Message Across

You will see a lot of banner advertising these days being displayed in places which attract large crowds – places such as exhibitions, displays, retail stores, and trade shows, and increasing use is also being made of this type of advertising at sports venues such as cricket and rugby matches.

The traditional banner is made of cloth or plastic material and is several metres long and a little under a metre high; even though they may also be the same shape, they are made different by being turned through 90 degrees, or even square shaped.

A banner should always be placed in a location where the maximum number of people can see it. There is an extensive range of banner-types types available in the market for use in the advertising of products and services, but portable banner stands are still one of the most common.

One of the most popular banner-type in Southern Africa is the teardrop banner, but electronic banner boards are fast-becoming increasingly popular at sports stadiums today.

If you want to invest in a little banner advertising and are not a graphic designer yourself, Scan Display is a company of professionals who will be more than willing to assist you. They have a wide range of advertising products including banners and a team of expert graphic designers to discuss the matter with you.

You can see some excellent examples of these products and a portfolio of their work on their website:

Scan Display, whose head office is in Rosebank, Johannesburg, is a market leader in Southern Africa, and has the support of a global network.

Banner Printing

Art Of Exhibition Banner Printing

Even with the best possible exhibition display products, you will fail to create a lasting impression if you do not use quality exhibition banner printing techniques. Scan Display understands the art of exhibition banner printing and with our expertise on lay-out and design we are able to bring even the dullest topic to life with superior exhibition banner printing techniques. The secret lies in the combination of colour, bold lettering, single messages, and perfect eye-catching lay-outs. Even so, quality also plays an important role in banner printing and the knowledge of what works at which types of exhibitions. Top quality banner printing must be exhibition appropriate as provided by Scan Display.

International brands choose Scan Display for AfricaCom 2010

International brands choose Scan Display for AfricaCom 2010

Scan Display’s Cape Town branch was the exhibition stand provider for 12 overseas clients at AfricaCom, Africa’s premier telecommunications conference and exhibition. The show, which is owned and managed by Informa UK, was held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 10 – 11 November 2010.

International exhibitors have often sent their own stand and crew to be on site. However, at AfricaCom 2010, Scan Display’s clients entrusted them with the complete process, with Scan either building from the client’s design or both designing and building the stand. Scan was also involved in providing staff for the stands, and catering and cleaning services.

The foreign investment from these stands amounted to roughly R2.5 million (paid in US Dollars and Euros), which not only provides a boost to the South African economy, but also contributes to job creation.

The brief from Scan’s clients was to provide great value while keeping to a budget. Scan achieved this successfully in spite of building custom stands, which are generally more expensive than modular stands. The stands were uncluttered and elegant, and used lighting effectively to create interest and a flattering look-and-feel. These are cost-conscious solutions that enhance a stand when used correctly.

Scan Display has developed a national team specialising in the design and delivery of award-winning stands. Scan’s international network includes top exhibition agencies and brands, which has led to many successful partnerships on South African projects.

AfricaCom 2010 was a very successful event, experiencing a 41% increase in visitors from 2009. Seventy-five percent of the exhibition stands for 2011 have already been sold.

For more information about Scan Display, visit www.scandisplay.co.za or contact Justin Hawes on +27 11 447 4777 or [email protected].