Design samples

It is only natural for any display company to claim that its products are the best on the market and that it can produce the best display stand for you, and any company would be foolish to engage such a company without taking a good look at some samples of its work. This is why you’ll find masses of information about Scan Display on our website. There are examples of the many display stands we have designed and constructed for some of South Africa’s top companies, pictures of some of our products and a listing of the awards we have won. In order for a display stand to click it has to portray your products or services as well as the company image you want to get across to the public. You be the judge – take a look at some of our award winning displays and see for yourself.

The Editor’s Note

About 60% of South Africa’s Blue Crane population resides in the Western Cape. Here the birds favour farmlands, particularly pastures and wheat plantations, above the indigenous Fynbos habitat. But climate change threatens this unusual success story. The western parts of our country are expected to be most hard hit by the extreme weather conditions that climate change brings, and existing agricultural practices could become economically unviable, with detrimental effects for the cranes.

Kerryn Morrison manages the ICF/EWT Partnership for African Cranes and, together with her passionate team of crane conservationists, is carefully monitoring the Western Cape’s Blue Cranes so that we can react to the signs of climate change well in advance of it becoming an insurmountable problem.

When I asked Kerryn how she came to be so passionate about cranes, she said they are a perfect flagship species that can be used to highlight environmental issues to people and so change environmentally destructive behaviour. Kerryn was just four years old when her nursery school teacher predicted she would work with animals, and she has never wanted to be anything other than a conservationist. Her dedication is not without reward, and she has received broad acclaim for her exceptional dedication to crane conservation, and is recognised as being instrumental in combating the trade in cranes that takes place throughout Africa on a daily basis. We are extremely proud of being able to say that Kerryn has grown her career with the EWT since 1995.

We will be celebrating the success of our crane conservationists on World Environment Day, on 5 June, with this year’s theme being ‘Your Planet Needs You – Unite to Combat Climate Change’. Learn more about this day and other EWT climate change projects by entering our online competition , open only to our loyal supporters, and stand in line to win a fabulous getaway to a South African destination.

– The Editor

The EWT at Nampo Harvest Day 2009

Every year the NAMPO Harvest Day provides the EWT with an opportunity to engage with visitors on conservation issues and projects, talk about problems and solutions, distribute educational materials to farmers, school groups and the like and promote the EWT as a whole. This year was no different. Click here to read more.

Contact: Claudia Hodkinson


The look and feel of the Design Indaba Expo was taken to new heights this year thanks to Scan Display, the show’s official service contractor. Scan was responsible for the design and project management of the exhibition which showcases the best of SA design.

For the first time in its four year partnership with Design Indaba, Scan used its own shell scheme for the show. The company is the exclusive agent of the Unibox aluminium system in South Africa, and has pioneered its usage as an alternative to other over-used systems.

Jane Steel, Scan Display’s Account Executive on the project said, “Having worked on Design Indaba for the last three years, I could not believe how stunning the show looked this year, using the Unibox system.”

This opinion was shared by Design Indaba Expo Manager, Mike Purdham, who said, “People coming into the show did not stop gushing about how amazing it looked”.

Paul Hugo, Creative Director at Scan Display, has designed the exhibition every year since 2006. He believes this year’s show was the best he has seen. “The feedback from the client and exhibitors was an indication of the successful evolution of the layout and execution of this exhibition. We strive, in partnership with Interactive Africa, to creatively achieve something more every year within the parameters of budget and resources.”

Scan stand wins award at Indaba

In May 2008, Scan Display designed and built an award-winning stand for the Three Cities Group at the Indaba travel and tourism show in Durban. Kagiso Exhibitions, the show organisers, gave the Three Cities stand a Platinum award, based on its aesthetics, messaging, branding and its capacity for interaction with delegates.

National exhibition and display company, Scan Display, designed and built 31 stands at the Indaba 2008 show. Clients included prestigious tourism operators such as Sabi Sabi, Oubaai Golf Resort, Cape Town Routes Unlimited and Emirates.

Moses Rulashe, Director of Scan’s Durban branch, says the Three Cities Group’s stand highlights Scan’s capabilities: “The custom stand was conceptualised and built from scratch by the Durban team and we are proud of what we achieved.”

The string curtaining around the predominantly-white stand caught visitors’ eyes and drew them to the exhibit. The Three Cities Group’s logo made a strong impact, printed on a vinyl backdrop. The stand also included a reception area where stand staff could greet visitors.

Indaba is an annual event on the KwaZulu-Natal exhibition calendar. It showcases Southern African tourism products and services for the international travel trade, drawing thousands of international visitors to the region. This year’s show was held at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Convention Centre from 10 to 13 May.

For more information contact Scan on +27 11 447 4777 or [email protected]. Alternatively visit